Mr Alaiyi West

Mr Alaiyi West

A West Urology Ltd

Urology 03664313

  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Benign Prostate disorders
  • General urology
  • Urinary tract stones


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Alaiyi West is a Consultant Urological Surgeon currently practising at the private Nuffield Health Tees Hospital. He has expertise in the medical and surgical management of symptoms and complications of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and the comprehensive management of urinary tract stone disease (kidney, ureteric and bladder stones). He has extensive experience in all aspects of general and diagnostic urology, including rapid access prostate and haematuria (blood in urine) assessments, and penile and scrotal surgery.

Mr West was awarded an MD for his research focused on the molecular biology of prostate cancer at the Newcastle University. After completing his higher specialist urology training, and a clinical attachment in Vellore, India supported by awards from the British Urology Foundation and the Royal College of Surgeons of England, he took up his consultant post at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is the clinical lead for BPH surgery services in his Trust � leading service development and improvement, and implementing national GIRFT guidance in reconfiguring services for patients needing surgery for urinary symptoms due to an enlarged prostate.

An expert in BPH surgery, Mr West offers holmium laser prostate enucleation (HoLEP) and TURP, as well as the less invasive, daycase surgery options of prostatic urethral lift (UroLift) and Rezum steam ablation. With over 14 years' experience regularly performing the HoLEP procedure, Mr West is one of the most experienced HoLEP surgeons in the UK, and has mentored surgeons nationally and internationally in this challenging procedure. Mr West offers an individualised approach for each patient with prostate enlargement, tailoring investigations and treatment to the specific wishes of each man. Mr West takes the time necessary to fully discuss each patient's particular symptoms and clinical situation before full counselling on the most appropriate surgical treatment option(s).

HoLEP is effective for any size or shape of prostate, and Mr West receives numerous referrals to perform HoLEP for men who have larger prostates than most urologists are able to tackle, and for men who have had unsuccessful results from other surgical procedures such as UroLift (implants to hold the prostate open), Rezum steam ablation (steam to shrink the prostate), TURP, prostate artery embolization or greenlight laser prostatectomy.

His other main area of subspecialty interest and expertise is in the surgical treatment of kidney stones, with extensive experience in both ureteroscopic laser stone surgery and percutaneous surgery for the larger kidney stones (PCNL). For PCNL, he is one of only a few surgeons in the UK able to obtain percutaneous access to the kidney.

As well as his clinical work, Mr West has been local principal investigator for large national multicentre clinical trials in urinary stone disease (SUSPEND; TISU), and is actively involved in clinical audit. He is committed to surgical training and has mentored several surgeons in HoLEP, in the UK and overseas, and taught on several courses on surgical procedures for urinary tract stones.

Mr West continually increases his knowledge and awareness of new developments for urological conditions by regularly attending national and international urology conferences and courses, ensuring his patients receive current evidence-based clinical care. He holds a PgCert in Medical Ultrasound (with Distinction) and is thus able to use point-of-care ultrasound to further streamline his clinical practice.

Outside of work and family, Mr West's interests include: golf, skiing, music and dancing.

Areas of interest

Holmium Laser enucleation prostatectomy (HoLEP); TURP; Prostate urethral lift (UroLift) procedure; Rezum steam ablation of the prostate; Percutaneous (keyhole) and Ureteroscopic laser treatments for urinary stones; Haematuria; Urinary tract infection; Penile and Scrotal conditions (Circumcision, Excision of epididymal cysts; Hydrocele repair; orchidectomy).

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