- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Urology
About me
Professor Nicholas van As was appointed Medical Director of The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in January 2016. He has been a Consultant Clinical Oncologist in the Urology Unit at The Royal Marsden since 2008 and is the hospital’s Clinical Lead for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) and CyberKnife. He is also a Professor of The Institute of Cancer Research and a trustee for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.
He treats all stages of prostate cancer from early disease to advanced metastatic disease.
Professor van As was previously Chair of the UK SBRT Consortium and is the national clinical lead for NHS England’s Commissioning through Evaluation Programme for SBRT. His main research interests are in stereotactic and image-guided radiotherapy, risk prediction in early prostate cancer, and functional MRI, and he has published numerous papers on these subjects and delivered presentations at international meetings. He is the Chief Investigator for the PACE trial – an international, randomised controlled trial comparing SBRT to image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) and surgery for treating prostate cancer.
Areas of interest
Urological oncology; Radiotherapy; SBRT; SABR; Cyberknife; Systemic therapy for prostate cacner
Medical secretaries
- Rachel Lloyd
- Royal Marsden Hospital Fulham Road LONDON SW3 6JJ
- 020 7811 8336
- 020 7811 8338
- nick.vanaspa@rmh.nhs.uk
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 1-28 days - (>50)
The Royal Marsden Hospital (5-50)
Follow-up out-patient consultation - remote - (>50)
Clinical supervision of external beam radiotherapy, up to and including 15 fractions or part thereof - (1-5)