- Fee assured
- Awaiting verification
- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I qualified from Bristol University in 1996 and was amongst a few to be awarded honours. My training took me to many hospitals including leading teaching hospitals such as the Bristol Royal Infirmary and Queens Medical Centre (Nottingham), where I also undertook a two year research fellowship. I became a full time substantive NHS consultant at Hereford in 2006 and have been undertaking private work at the Hereford Nuffield Hospital since then.
Areas of interest
Endoscopic procedures; Investigative treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS); Endoscopy; Flexible Sigmoidoscopy; Colonoscopy, Dyspepsia; Reflux Disease; Gallstones; Jaundice; Liver Disease; Ulcerative Colitis; Crohn's Disease; Coeliac Disease; Anemia; Colonic Polyps; Bowel Cancer Screening; Abdominal Pain; Constipation; Diarrhoea; Rectal Bleeding; CT Colonography (CT of large bowel) and MRI of Small Bowel; Abdominal Pain; Abdominal Swelling; Abnormal Liver Function Tests; Altered Bowel Habits; Anal Fissure Anorexia; Bowel Cancer; Bowel Disease; Coeliac Disease; Colorectal Screening; Constipation; Difficulty Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders; Dysphagia; Epigastric Pain; Gastric Ulceration; Gastroscopy; Haematemesis; Heartburn; Helicobacter; Hepatomegaly; Indigestion (Dyspepsia); Nausea and Vomiting; Oesophageal Varicies; Oesophagitis; Rectal Bleeding, Stomach Ulcer
Medical secretaries
- Nuffield Health
- Nuffield Health Hereford Hospital Venns Lane Hereford HR1 1DF
- 01432 355131
- 01432 364410
- rebecca.hamley@wvt.nhs.uk
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
IV sedation administered by operator - (5-50)
Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (5-50)
Diagnostic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) includes forceps biopsy, biopsy urease test and dye spray - (1-5)