Dr Jonathan Dakin

Dr Jonathan Dakin

General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicine 03682913


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Not in Open Referral network

About me

Dr Dakin is a Consultant Respiratory Physician based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.

He trained in Respiratory medicine in London, gaining a research fellowship at the Royal Brompton Hospital where he completed an MD doctoral degree within the National Heart and Lung Institute of Imperial College.

Dr Dakin sees patients with all aspects of Respiratory disease, including asthma, lung cancer, respiratory infection, persistent cough, tuberculosis, COPD (chronic bronchitis / emphysema), interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis.

Subspecialty areas of interest include interstitial lung disease / pulmonary fibrosis, asthma and COPD. Dr Dakin is also trained and experienced in Sleep Medicine and holds accreditation with the European Sleep Research Society as a Somnologist.

Initially appointed to a consultant post at Queen Alexandra Hospital, he moved to the Royal Surrey County Hospital in 2015 to be nearer to his family home in Farnham. Dr Dakin has two young children and is married to an Anaesthetist. At weekends he enjoys sailing a Laser dinghy (very badly) at a local sailing club, where he served a term as General Secretary.

Appointments can be arranged on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Nuffield Guildford Hospital or Fridays at Mount Alvernia, Guildford.

Areas of interest

Investigation of suspected cancer;
Interstitial lung disease;
Investigation of cough and shortness of breath;
Sleep apnoea and other disorders

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