Mrs Deborah Quayle

Mrs Deborah Quayle

Ear, nose and throat surgery 06102999

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Paediatric


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I am a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Bradford Royal Infirmary, where I specialise in children's ENT conditions (ear infections, glue ear, tonsillitis, sleep apnoea, nasal blockage, nose bleeds, neck lumps, voice changes) and surgery (adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, grommets, airway examination, repair of perforated ear drums). I perform a number of clinic based procedures in children including nasal cautery, ear wax removal and tongue tie division.

My practice also extends to adults, in whom I have a particular interest in voice and swallowing disorders, as well as expertise in the non-surgical management of common ENT condition such as nasal blockage, throat conditions and ear infections/wax problems.

To date, after completing over 2,500 adult and paediatric ENT surgical procedures in training, since my consultant appointment, within the NHS I have carried out over 500 tonsillectomy, 350 adenoidectomy and 300 grommet procedures. Over 100 other ear procedures (including myringoplasty), 70 airway examination procedures (adults and children) and 50 paediatric head and neck procedures (lymph node biopsy, excision of thyroglossal cyst, excision of pre-auricular sinus). I lead a neonatal tongue tie service and have performed over 300 tongue tie divisions in the outpatient setting.

I graduated from Leeds Medical School in 2004 and went on to complete higher surgical training in the West Yorkshire area. I have gained additional expertise in Paediatric ENT from time spent at Sheffield Children's' Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital. I have undertaken higher scientific research, gaining a medical doctorate from my research studies at the University of Hull.

Having been appointed to my current NHS Consultant position in 2018, I am currently the Clinical Lead for ENT in both Bradford and Airedale hospitals as well as the Chair of the Paediatric Surgical Committee for the Bradford Trust.

Areas of interest

I specialise in children's ENT conditions (ear infections; glue ear; tonsillitis; sleep apnoea; nasal blockage; nose bleeds; neck lumps; voice changes) and surgery (adenoidectomy; tonsillectomy; grommets; airway examination; repair of perforated ear drums). I also perform a number of clinic based procedures in children including nasal cautery; ear wax removal; tongue tie division. In adults, I have a particular interest in voice; swallowing disorders.

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

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