- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Foot & Ankle
- Paediatric
About me
Mr Halliwell has been a consultant since 2001, having trained in London (Guy's, St. George's and Great Ormond St Hospitals) and in Toronto. His practice is in problems of the foot and ankle, including injuries, sports and in children. He carries out ankle joint replacement and is part of a national study (TARVA). He organises and teaches on national and international surgical training courses (especially in total ankle replacement) and is an active member of his national speciality body, the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (BOFAS). He chairs the BOFAS Outcomes Committee, developing a Registry to improve the outcomes of treatment.
Areas of interest
Trauma; Paediatric orthopaedics; Ankle surgery including ankle joint replacement; Foot surgery
Medical secretaries
- Heather Burchett
- 01483 207257
- guildfordfootandankle@gmail.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Matthew Berry
Fee Assured
- Dr Justin Kirk-Bayley
Fee Assured
- Dr Michele Carraretto
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Thomas Wojcikiewicz
Fee Assured
- Dr Matthew Dickinson
Fee Assured
- Dr Nial Quiney
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Sam Huddart
Fee Assured
- Dr William J Fawcett
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Paul R Saunders
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)
Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital (1-5) Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)
Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament complex - (1-5)
Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital (1-5)
Multiple procedures on forefoot, distal to and including the tarsometatarsal joint, which involves at least two distinct procedures not intrinsic to each other - unilateral - (1-5)
Total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint - (1-5)
Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital (1-5) Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)
Complex procedure to mid foot or hindfoot without autogenous bone graft (osteotomy/fusion +/- tendon transfers) - (1-5)
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