- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Sleep disorders
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Dr Mogal is a Consultant in Respiratory and General Medicine with specialist interest in Interventional Pulmonology and Lung cancer.
He is trained as a respiratory specialist in London gaining experience at the Royal London and London Chest Hospitals. He undertook the prestigious Clinical Fellowship in Interventional Bronchoscopy at Thoraxklinik, Heidelberg, Germany. He has experience in specialised interventional procedures such as EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound), endobronchial stenting and valves. He manages patients with entire range of respiratory conditions.
Dr Mogal's NHS practice is based at Watford General Hospital where he looks after in-patient, out-patient and carries out wide range interventional procedures. He is also a honorary consultant at University College London Hospitals, London. He is Trust lead for Lung Cancer, COPD Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and interventional pulmonology. He is also Chairman of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Lung Network Cancer Group (NCG) and West Sussex and Hertfordshire Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) Lead for Lung Cancer. He was Clinical Lead for the Department of Respiratory Medicine. Along with practising respiratory medicine, Dr Mogal is involved in acute medicine on-call rota at Watford General hospital. He has extensive experience of acute general and emergency medicine.
He works closely with a multidisciplinary team, including physicians, thoracic surgeons, oncologists, specialist nurses, radiologists, physiotherapists, physiologists and pathologists to provide the best treatment and ensure optimal outcome for each patient.
Dr Mogal has keen interest in medical education and training. He is an educational supervisor for Respiratory trainees and fellows at Watford General Hospital. He is a co-Director of �Advance course in EBUS, mediastinal EUS and Rapid On-Site Evaluation� and "Introduction to principles of Flexible Bronchoscopy". He regularly presents at national and international meetings.
Dr Mogal has excellent feedback from his patients. He gives attention to patient to fully understand their concerns and tailors treatment to their preferences as appropriate
Areas of interest
Conditions treated:
- Abnormal chest X-ray or CT scan investigations;
- Allergy;
- Asthma;
- Breathlessness;
- Bronchiectasis;
- Chest pain;
- COPD Chronic bronchitis or emphysema;
- Cough;
- Covid-19;
- Lung cancer;
- Lung fibrosis;
- Lung infections including recurrent chest
infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB);
- Pleural diseases such as asbestos related lung
diseases and pleural effusions;
- Pulmonary nodules;
- Sarcoidosis;
- Snoring and sleep apnoea;
- Wheezing
Procedures performed:
- Chest drain;
- Flexible bronchoscopy;
- Indwelling pleural catheter;
- Interventional bronchoscopy - including
Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), endobronchial
valves and stenting;
- Medical thoracoscopy;
- Pleural aspiration;
- Skin prick tests for allergy
Medical secretaries
- Melinda Ziff
- Bishops Wood Hospital Rickmansworth Road Northwood HA6 2JW
- 020 3146 1771
- pa@chest-clinic.co.uk
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Nicholas Schofield
Fee Assured
- Dr Robert Stephens
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Therapeutic bronchoscopy (including laser, cryotherapy, lavage, snare, dilatation of stricture, insertion of stent) - (1-5)
Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre (1-5) Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (1-5)
Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) for mediastinal masses - (1-5)
Home sleep study including reporting - (1-5)
Bishops Wood Hospital (1-5)
Diagnostic bronchoscopy +/- biopsy - (1-5)
Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre (1-5) Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (1-5)
Follow-up out-patient consultation - remote - (1-5)