- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- General
- Hepatobiliary
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I qualified in Medicine with an MBChB from the University of Baghdad. Following that I moved to the UK and finished my basic surgical training. I started my clinical research training in Leeds where I was awarded a Royal College of Surgeons Research Fellowship in 2005 and a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellowship in 2006 to carry out a research in genetic engineering of a human gut bacterium. The research period was productive and I have published and presented widely. My research project was the runner up for the Times Higher Education (THE) award in 2007. I was awarded a PhD in 2009 and Hunterian Professorship from the RCS (Eng.) in 2011. I have published more than 80 reseach articles in peer-reviewed journals, and collaborated with distiguished research experts from other UK and international institutes. Since 2005, I have obtained a firm grounding in HPB benign and cancer surgical practice as well as liver transplant surgery. I have special interest in laparoscopic/Robotic liver and pancreatic resections.
I attended the world renowned cancer centre, MSKCC, in New York as a visiting fellow.
During the last three years I was practicing as Consultant in HPB, Endoscopic and General surgery. I am responsible to look after patients with complex liver and pancreatic benign and malignant disease.
I believe in Innovation in surgery. This was reflected in my research work that led to the invention of a novel drug delivery system.
I strive to achieve high standards in clinical and academic goals.
Most of my liver and pancreatic cancer surgeries are done via keyhole approach (Robotic). my clinical outcome is one of the best Nationally
Areas of interest
Liver surgery, Colorectal liver disease, Breast liver metastases, Pancreatic surgery, Pancreatic cancer early diagnosis, Gall stone disease, Pancreatitis, Hernia surgery, Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery, gall bladder surgery. Robotic surgery
Medical secretaries
- April Burman
- Spire Southampton Hospital Chalybeate Close Southampton SO16 6UY
- 07936 935893
- April.burman@spirehealthcare.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Nadeam Mujtaba
Fee Assured
- Dr Dominic Richardson
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Sanjay Gupta
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with peri-operative cholangiogram - (1-5)
Resection of liver tumour(s) - (1-5)
Laparoscopic block dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes - (1-5)
Repair of epigastric hernia - (1-5)
Repair of recurrent incisional hernia requiring mesh - (1-5)
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