- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- General Orthopaedics
- Spine
Areas of interest
Back pain;sciatica;neck pain +/- arm pain;slipped disc;worn/degenerative disc disease;spinal trauma;spinal deformity;scoliosis;spinal tumors;
all ages
Medical secretaries
- Julie Thompson
- PO Box 6114 COVENTRY CV3 9GR
- 024 7661 2681
- 024 7664 7196
- info@warwickshireclinics.co.uk
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Matthew Wyse
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Zahid Kazmi
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Dipankar Bose
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Rama Natarajan
Fee Assured
- Dr Rathinavel Shanmugam
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Medial branch block injection(s) +/- image guidance (including bilateral) LUMBAR - (5-50)
Nerve Root Block +/- Image Guidance (including Bilateral) LUMBAR - (5-50)
Neurolytic Root Block (Radiofrequency denervation, Thermocoagulation, Cryotherapy or Phenol, including Rhizolysis) +/- Image Guidance (including Bilateral) LUMBAR - (1-5)