- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Foot & Ankle
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I am passionate about my patients, foot & ankle problems & research.
Areas of interest
Morton's neuroma; hammer toe; claw toe; mallet toe; Bunion; hallux valgus; morton's neuroma; flat foot; hallux rigidus; arthritis big toe; foot pain; ankle pain; impingement syndrome; key hole surgery ankle; ankle instability; Lithotripsy including extracoporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL); Achilles tendon; Plantar fasciitis; Shock wave therapy; Arthritis; Tibialis posterior reconstruction; Ankle surgery; Foot surgery; Ingrowing Toenail; Heel Pain; Football injuries; Ankle arthroscopy; Forefoot reconstruction; Ligament Injury Ankle; ankle sprain; ankle fusion; ankle arthrodesis; achilles rupture; achilles tendonitis; peroneal tendon; arthritis foot
Medical secretaries
- Tracy Richardson-Doherty
- Spire Leicester Hospital Gartree Road Leicester LE2 2FF
- 0116 272 9037
- 0116 272 9009
- tracy.richardson-doherty@spirehealthcare.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Inthira Jeyapalan
Fee Assured
- Dr Aamer Ahmed
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Yuvraj Kukreja
Fee Assured
- Dr Dave Patel
Fee Assured
- Dr Priya Gauthama
Fee Assured
- Dr Vipul Kaushik
Fee Assured
- Dr James Sadler
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis - (5-50)
Spire Leicester Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital (1-5)
Multiple procedures on forefoot, distal to and including the tarsometatarsal joint, which involves at least two distinct procedures not intrinsic to each other - unilateral - (5-50)
Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital (5-50) Spire Leicester Hospital (1-5)
Complex procedure to mid foot and hindfoot with autogenous bone graft (osteotomy/fusion +/- tendon transfers, fixation) - (5-50)
Spire Leicester Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital (1-5)
Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (5-50)
Spire Leicester Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital (1-5)
Complex procedure to mid foot or hindfoot without autogenous bone graft (osteotomy/fusion +/- tendon transfers) - (5-50)
Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital (1-5) Spire Leicester Hospital (1-5)
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