- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Breast surgery
About me
I am Professor of Surgery and Oncology and Consultant Breast Surgeon. Over the last 25 years, I have looked after over 2500 breast cancer patients.
​I am considered a leading surgeon, and oncology expert in diagnosis and treatment of all breast conditions such as breast lump, breast pain, nipple discharge, change in breast shape or distortion, etc. My special interest is in the treatment of breast cancer and am regularly invited for my expertise in the media and to government bodies such as NICE which decides on which treatments are made available on the NHS.
​I have over 200 original scholarly publications in a wide range of medical fields. My main research aim over the past twenty years has been to improve our understanding and treatment of breast cancer. Progressive thinking and research has led to changes in the way breast cancer is treated today.
Areas of interest
Breast Specialist; Lumpectomy; breast conservation; mastectomy, intraoperative radiotherapy; breast glandular reconstruction; Sentinel node biopsy; Breast oncology; Breast surgery, Breast cancer familial history risk, breast inflammation; breast abscess, change in breast shape
Medical secretaries
- Shona Brogan
- 79 Harley Street LONDON W1G 8PZ
- 07306 444066
- 07306 444066
- contact@londonbreastcancer.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Michael Boscoe
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Wide local excision of breast +/- local mobilisation of glandular breast tissue to fill surgical cavity - (1-5)
Drainage of breast abscess (including haematoma and seroma) - (1-5)
London Clinic (1-5)
Sentinel node mapping and sampling with blue dye or radioactive probe for breast cancer - (1-5)
Microdochectomy or mammodochectomy (Hadfield's procedure) - (1-5)