- Not Fee assured
- Awaiting verification
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Stroke medicine
About me
Dr Jonathan Birns BSc MBBS PhD FRCP is a Consultant in Stroke Medicine, Geriatrics and General Medicine at Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital, Consultant Stroke Physician at King's College Hospital and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at King's College London.
He qualified at University College London Medical School in 1998, where he was awarded a First Class Honours BSc and 29 prizes including the Prize for Best Overall Performance in the MBBS Examinations. He undertook Postgraduate General Medical training at the Hammersmith, Royal Brompton, University College and Whittington Hospitals and attained MRCP in 2001. He then completed the London Deanery Specialist Registrar Training Programme in Geriatrics and General Internal Medicine and spent 3 years as the Clinical Lecturer in Stroke Medicine at King's College Hospital.
Within the field of Stroke Medicine, he has undertaken independent research for the award of a PhD (investigating the relationship between blood pressure, cerebrovascular disease, cerebral autoregulation and cognition), published more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, presented work at national and international scientific meetings, and completed clinical audits. He has also been involved in service development for the implementation of acute stroke thrombolysis and telemedicine for stroke, and the writing of clinical guidelines.
Within Geriatrics and General Medicine, he consults on a wide variety of acute and chronic medical conditions, providing acute and rehabilitative care. He delivers professional, safe, efficient and high-quality care in all disciplines as evidenced by national benchmarking. He was formerly a member of the British Geriatrics Society Policy Committee with responsibility for writing national policies. He is currently the Training Programme Director of the award-winning South East London Geriatrics specialist training programme.
As a Senior Lecturer, he has a wide range of teaching responsibilities at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and lectures regularly on topics within the fields of Stroke Medicine, Geriatrics and General Medicine with excellent feedback.
Areas of interest
Management of stroke;
Blood pressure;
Cognitive impairment;
Comprehensive geriatric and general medical assessment
Medical secretaries
- Petula Bent
- Dept. Of Ageing & Health 9th Floor, North Wing St Thomas' Hospital Westminster Bridge Road LONDON SE1 7EH
- 020 7188 2515
- 020 7928 2339
- jonathan.birns@gstt.nhs.uk