Ms Siobhan Wren

Ms Siobhan Wren

Ophthalmology 04306511


  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Paediatric
  • Surgical


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I have experience in all areas of ophthalmology and manage a full range of eye problems from turning around simple issues to dealing with complex problems. It is important that each person is managed well and feels satisfied with my care.

Areas of interest

Strabismus ('squint'); Paediatric ophthalmology; Glaucoma; Cataract; Dry eyes; Cyst; Lid; Trauma; Laser; Capsulotomy; Phaco; Toric intra-ocular lens; Multifocal intra-ocular lens; Conjunctivitis; Red eyes; Uveitis; Iritis; Blurred Vision; Flashing lights; Posterior vitreous detachment; Blepheritis; Contact lens; Corneal ulcer; Ocular hypertension; Infection; Itchy eyes; Watery eyes; Botulinum Toxin injection; Orthoptics; Glasses; Headaches; Migraine; Punctal plugs.

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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