Mr James Ramsden

Mr James Ramsden

Ear, nose and throat surgery 04212322

  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Adult
  • Paediatric


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr James Ramsden BA BM BCh FRCS PhD
Paediatric & Adult ENT Surgeon

Specialist Interests •General Adult and Paediatric Otolaryngology •Otology and Hearing Loss •Vertigo •Paediatric ENT ◦Glue ear and hearing loss ◦Sleep Apnoea ◦Head & Neck lumps in children •Cochlear Implantation and Bone Anchored Hearing Aids

James graduated from Oxford University Medical School in 1995, and was appointed as a consultant ENT surgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford in 2007. He has passed the intercollegiate examination in otolaryngology – head & neck surgery, and was awarded the Gold Medal for outstanding performance from the Royal Society of Medicine. He has a strong academic background as an MRC funded clinical research fellow, leading to an award of a PhD in 2003, and he is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in the University of Oxford.

He has spent 1 year training at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia, where he specialised in the full range of children’s ENT treatment including paediatric airway assessment and treatment, cleft palate clinics, paediatric voice clinics, paediatric head & neck surgery, cochlear implantation and the assessment of profound hearing loss.

A further fellowship in The University of Toronto, Canada, in 2007 developed expertise in advanced neuro-otology including the management of vertigo, middle ear disease, and hearing loss. He was appointed as a member of staff at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto where he specialised in childrens’ ENT conditions especially hearing loss and deafness, including cochlear implantation.

James is a consultant at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and also consults at the Nuffield Manor Hospital, Oxford. He performs more than 40 cochlear implant surgeries per year, 15 Bone Anchored Hearing aid implants, and around 80 major ear operations per year, as well as many childrens’ surgeries such as tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and grommet insertion. He provides consulting services to the Oxford Children’s Hospital, as well as treatment of premature babies and neonates with ENT conditions.

Areas of interest

Ear surgery; ear ache; otalgia; otorrhea; otitis externa; deafness; tinnitus; vertigo; dizziness; Epley's Manoeuvre;glue ear; otitis media; cholesteatoma; balance; nose surgery; polyps;sinus surgery; septal deviation; sinusitis; chronic rhinusinusitis;rhinitis; post-nasal drip; adenoids; snoring; sleep apnoea; sore throat; tonsillitis; enlarged tonsils; tonsil stones; tonsil surgery; lump in throat; tongue tie; facial pain; jaw pain; hoarseness; dysphagia; globus; neck lumps; mandibular glands; submandibular glands; Skull base surgery; Deafness; Neurotology; Cochlear implantation; Otology (ears), bone anchored hearing aids; BAHA; hearing aids; children's surgery; middle ear implants;paediatric surgery; paediatric; laryngomalacia; breathing difficulties;

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