- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Spine
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I am a full-time spine surgeon and 100% of my acute and elective practice is dealing with spinal pathologies. I have a comprehensive adult and paediatric spine surgical practice.
In the Spine TANGO database majority of my patients have reported that they are either 'much better' or 'better' after my interventions.
I continue to develop new techniques in complex deformity correction surgery in the adult and the paediatric patients
Areas of interest
Adult and Paediatric spine surgery;
Degenerative spine disorders; Deformity correction; Degenerative Scoliosis; Epidural injections; Lumbar spine (diseases and disorders of); Paediatric surgery; Scoliosis; Spinal surgery; Lower back pain; Vertebroplasty; Slipped disc; lumbar canal stenosis
Microdiscectomy, Spinal Fusion, Lumbar canal Stenosis
Spondylolysis and spondylolysthesis; Spinal tumours; Metastatic spinal cord compression
Medical secretaries
- Ms Julie Killoran
- 07824 470442
- juliehorne30@hotmail.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Sumit Mitra
Fee Assured
- Dr Muthukrishnan Thirukkamu
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Nerve Root Block +/- Image Guidance (including Bilateral) CAUDAL - (1-5)
Spire Cheshire Hospital (1-5) Spire Manchester Hospital (1-5)
Correction of adult degenerative or adult idiopathic scoliosis including decompression +/- fusion (including spinal cord monitoring) - (1-5)
Posterior correction of idiopathic juvenile scoliosis with instrumentation, +/-fusion (including spinal cord monitoring) - (1-5)
Posterior excision of disc prolapse (including microdiscectomy +/- decompression) - lumbar region (1 or 2 levels) - (1-5)