Dr Rakesh Amin

Dr Rakesh Amin

Paediatrics 03562985


  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Paediatric diabetes & endocrinology

About me

I have been practising medicine for over 29 years, and have worked at consultant level for 14 years. My clinical practice encompasses all areas of paediatric and adolescent endocrinology and diabetes.

Thanks to the unique training culture within the NHS, my clinical experiences have been rich and varied. I have been lucky enough to work in several specialist centres across the country, and have seen huge numbers of children over the years with both common and extremely complex endocrine conditions. My experience includes patients from all cultures and backgrounds, and I'm proud to offer anyone I see the same level of service. As well as my clinical work, I am research-active, and I use this as an evidence base for my clinical practice.

I see children and young people quickly and efficiently and only request investigations and start treatments if absolutely necessary. As a parent myself I understand the importance of being friendly and approachable, and clear, jargon-free explanations.

Training -
1. Leeds University Medical School; honours degree in medicine (1991).
2. Paediatric medicine in London (1996)
3. Specialist training in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes in London and Oxford (2004).
4. MD with commendation for research undertaken at Cambridge on the subject of the hormonal determinants of microvascular disease in type 1 diabetes (2006).

Consultant appointments
1. Consultant in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (2005),
2. St Barts and the London Hospitals (2010).

I am now very proud to be at Great Ormond Street and Institute of Child Health as consultant and honorary senior lecturer (2012).

I have been invited to speak at numerous national and international meetings, and have received several awards during my undergraduate and postgraduate training. I sit on a number of national committees and working groups, and am diabetes officer for BSPED.

Areas of interest

I manage all aspects of paediatric and adolescent (up to age 21 years) endocrinology and diabetes. This includes;
Growth; short and tall stature
Obesity; Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, Rare Diabetes
Puberty; early and late puberty
Abnormalities of the Thyroid gland; Calcium and vitamin D disorders; Adrenal gland abnormalities; Hypoglycaemia, Bone problems

Medical secretaries

About me
About my work
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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