Mr Christopher Withey

Mr Christopher Withey

Podiatric surgery 85020300


  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Following completion of his undergraduate training in Podiatric medicine at Northampton University in 2001, Mr Withey began his career as a Podiatrist working for the NHS in Suffolk. In 2008 he moved to work at the Norfolk Foot Surgery Centre and in 2009 where he was appointed Podiatric Surgical trainee. During this time, Mr Withey completed post graduate training in Podiatric Surgery at Queen Margaret’s University Edinburgh and Glasgow Caledonian University. He also completed surgical rotations at West Middlesex Hospital, Newark Hospital and Walsall Manor Hospital. Following this he was awarded his Fellowship in Podiatric Surgery.
Mr Withey has fifteen years post graduate experience in biomechanics, Podiatric Surgery and treatment of foot pathology. He has lectured at many national conferences on various foot conditions and more recently published his surgical technique for the treatment of mid-foot osteoarthritis in the leading international foot journal, Journal of “Foot and Ankle Surgery”.
Mr Withey can offer advice and treatment for any foot condition and has a network of colleagues with the expertise to ensure you gain an accurate diagnosis and the most up to date evidenced based treatment.

Areas of interest

Minimally invasive Bunion surgery
Ingrowing toenails
Flat feet
Plantar fasciitis
Foot and toe deformities
Hallux rigidus
Hallux valgus
Pes Cavus
Morton's Neuroma
Achilles tendonosis
Chronic ankle instability
Osteoarthritis affecting the foot and ankle

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
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My outcomes
My qualifications & training
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Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

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