External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant Nephrologist
Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street
London NW3 2QG
Consultant Nephrologist
Barnet Hospital
Wellhouse Lane
Hertfordshire EN5 3DJ
Research interests
PhD in transplantation Immunology at Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital in 2005.
Subspecialty interest in renal transplantation
including pre-transplant assessment, infectious
complications of transplantation and management of chronic allograft dysfunction. Principal investigator for a number of clinical trials in renal transplantation.
Member of the London Transplant Research Network.
Personal interests
Tennis, rugby, swimming, reading. And running after my children!
Awards received
Level 5 Clinical Excellence award
Honorary Senior Lecturer University College London
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland 2008
Associate Professor University of Grenada 2010
Power A, Dupont P. Assessment of the potential transplant recipient. In: Practical Nephrology edited by M Harber. Springer Press 2015.
Stephens H, Dupont P. ABO incompatible transplantation. In: Practical Nephrology edited by M Harber. Springer Press 2015.
Rahman H, Dupont P, Cohen M, Vancheeswaran R. A case of profound hypercalcaemia and acute kidney injury. BMJ 2013;347:f6744
Arulkumaran N, Reitbock P, Halliday K, Onwubalili J, Jayasena D, Dupont PJ. Adult-onset Still's disease associated with collapsing glomerulopathy. NDT Plus 2010;3(1):54-6.
Dupont PJ, Manuel O, Pascual M. Infection and chronic allograft dysfunction. Kidney Int 2010;78:S47-S53.
Dupont PJ, Psimenou E, Lord R, Buscombe JR, Hilson AJ, Sweny P. Late recurrent urinary tract infections may produce renal allograft scarring even in the absence of symptoms or vesicoureteric reflux. Transplantation 2007;84(3):351-5.
Dupont P, Warrens AN. Fas ligand exerts its pro-inflammatory effects via neutrophil recruitment but not activation. Immunology 2007; 120:133-9.
Little MA, Dupont P, Campbell E, Dorman A, Walshe JJ. Severity of primary MPGN, rather than MPGN type determines renal survival and post-transplantation recurrence risk. Kidney International 2006; 69:504-11.
Dupont P, Warrens AN. The evolving role of sirolimus in renal transplantation. QJM 2003; 96:401-409.
Dupont P, Dooldeniya M, Cook T, Warrens AN. Role of duplex Doppler sonography in diagnosis of acute allograft dysfunction - time to stop measuring the resistive index? Transplant International 2003; 16:648-52.
Dupont P, Hunt I, Goldberg L, Warrens AN. Colchicine myoneuropathy in a renal transplant recipient. Transplant International 2002 15:374-6.
Dupont P, Jackson J, Warrens A, Lightstone L. Life threatening thrombosis eighteen years after first presentation of primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 2001; 16:843-845.
Dupont P, Thornton J. Near-fatal gammabutyrolactone intoxication – first report in the UK. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2001; 20:19-22.
Dupont P, Lightstone L, Gaskin G, Clutterbuck E, Pusey CD, Cook T, Warrens AN. Cholesterol emboli syndrome. BMJ 2000; 321:1065-67.
Dupont P, Herbert PE, Warrens AN. Mechanisms of allorecognition. In: Actualite Nephrologiques edited by P Lesavre, T Drueke, C Legendre, P Niaudet. Flammarion Medecine-Sciences, 2003, pp285-297.
Courses offered to GPs
Chronic kidney disease
Diabetic nephropathy
Update in management of hypertension