- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Hepatobiliary
- Lower GI surgery
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Married to Angela (GP)
Children - Triplets Conor, Cameron, Anna - born 2002
Keen open water swimmer, sailor (laser), skiier, cyclist, triathlete, fell runner
West coast of Ireland Fjord 3.9km open water swim finisher 2018 - 35th of 300 swimmers
Rugby enthusiast - Representative honours - long retired flanker in the mould of Peter Winterbottom / Richie McCaw (seriously!)
NI bowel cancer screening colonoscopist
A recent patient endorsement - Feb 2018:
Dear Dr Beattie
I wanted to email you personally to thank you and your staff for how i was cared for before during and post my hemicolectomy operation.
The care i received in ward XX was second to none, can you please pass my gratitude to all staff, from admittance to discharge, not just from me but on behalf of my family, who were also treated with so much respect.
There is a lot of negatively surrounding the NHS but I can't praise it enough, not least due to your caring and professional expertise, from the moment you stated " we've a bit of work to do on you" i knew immediately i was in safe hands. You're down to earth approach put my mind at ease, which is no mean feat for someone recently diagnosed with cancer.
Finally, should I hear of anyone suffering with a bowel condition in the future i will whole heartedly be endorsing Dr G Beattie and his team at Antrim Area Hospital
Areas of interest
Colorectal disease (Lower GI); Colorectal cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Anorectal disease - haemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures. Pilonidal disease, Hidradenitis Suppuarativa. Specialist training in advanced Laparoscopic colorectal procedures for cancer - Fellowship @ St Marks Hospital, London. Minimally invasive haemorrhoid surgery - THD minimally invasive less painful procedure for bleeding and prolapsing haemorrhoids. Endoscopy - colonoscopy, OGD, Flex Sigmoidoscopy
Specialist interest in pan abdominal incisional / parastomal herniae - component separation.
Rectal bleeding / change of bowel habit / abdominal pain / losing weight / family history of cancer - worried about cancer. Book direct via BUPA : Cancer Ditect Access for an expeditious appointment and investigations within a week.
Medical secretaries
- Medical Booking UIC
- The Ulster Independent Clinic Ltd 245 Stranmillis Road BELFAST BT9 5JH
- 028 9066 1212
- 028 9068 744
- 028 9068 3658
- wendy@uic.org.uk
- Roseanna Allen, Ursula O'Hagan; Maria Kennedy; J
- Kingsbridge Private Hospital 811-815 Lisburn Road BELFAST BT9 7GX
- 028 9066 7878
- 07435 768922
- ohaganu@kingsbridgehealthcaregroup.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Gareth Allen
Fee Assured
- Dr John A McAteer
- Dr David McNamee
Fee Assured
- Dr Gavin Brown
Fee Assured
- Dr Jonathan McCarter
Fee Assured
- Dr Gerard Browne
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Rigid sigmoidoscopy (including proctoscopy and biopsy) - (>50)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital (5-50) Ulster Independent Clinic (5-50) Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West (1-5)
IV sedation administered by operator - (>50)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital (5-50) Ulster Independent Clinic (5-50) Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West (5-50)
Therapeutic colonoscopy with snare loop biopsy or excision of lesion - (>50)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital (5-50) Ulster Independent Clinic (5-50) Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West (1-5)
Local anaesthetic blockade of named major nerve or plexus +/- Image guidance (as sole procedure) - (5-50)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital (5-50) Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West (1-5) Ulster Independent Clinic (5-50)
Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (5-50)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital (5-50) Ulster Independent Clinic (1-5)
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