- Bupa Platinum consultant
- Fee assured
- Awaiting verification
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Head & neck oncology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I am the lead ENT associated head and neck surgeon in Hull and East Yorkshire region. I am the lead of the local head and neck multidisciplinary cancer team and member of skull base surgery team. I lead the local joint voice clinic team.
Areas of interest
Ear, nose and throat conditions; Head and neck cancer investigation and treatment; Neck lumps; Sensation of lump in throat investigation; Globus investigation; Parotid lumps investigation and surgery; Salivary gland investigations and treatment; Tonsillectomy; Adenoids; Grommets; FESS; Sinus procedures incl. endoscopic sinus surgery; Nasal disorders including septal surgery; Voice disorders; Paediatric ENT; All endoscopic procedures including endoscopic cancer surgery; Ear disorders and hearing loss investigation and treatment, Ear surgery; Myringoplasty; Removal of lesions from nose; Tinnitus
Medical secretaries
- Paula Cooper
- Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital Lowfield Road Anlaby HULL HU10 7AZ
- 01482 672498
- info@hullandeastridinghospital.co.uk
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Darren Walkley Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Fibreoptic examination of trachea +/- biopsy/removal of foreign body - (1-5)
Septoplasty of nose (including attention to turbinates) - (1-5)
Fibre optic examination of the pharynx +/- biopsy/removal of foreign body - (1-5)
Suction clearance of middle ear (as sole procedure) - (1-5)
Tonsillectomy - adult (and bilateral) - (1-5)