- Not Fee assured
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- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- General
About me
Dr Anita Takwale is a Consultant Dermatologist, Dermatological Surgeon and Clinical Lead in Gloucestershire hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She is the President of the British Hair and Nail Society (BHNS) and the South West UK regional expert for hair and nail disorders. Her previous roles have included Skin Cancer Lead and Dermatology Surgery lead, Chairman for the Three Counties Skin Cancer Network and Clinical and Educational lead for the BHNS.
Anita completed her specialist dermatology training in India (Pune) and the UK (West Midlands and Bristol) in 2005 before proceeding to an advanced skin cancer surgery fellowship in Cardiff. Her special interests in hair and nails stemmed from Dr David de Berker in Bristol and since then she has gained an international perspective on her work through her sabbaticals with Professor Rodney Sinclair in Melbourne and Professor Bertrand Richert in Brussels, and her attendance at specialised conferences such as the International Summit on Nail Diseases in Greece and the World Congresses for Hair Research in Japan and Barcelona.
Outside of the UK, she is a member of the European Hair Research Society and European Nail Society. She is involved in education and research having contributed to the curricula of two Postgraduate Diplomas (Cardiff and Bart's, London), regularly reviews hair and nail papers and has published articles discussing hair loss and nail pathology in multiple peer reviewed journals. She is the editor of the BHNS newsletter and has written chapters for Lebwohl’s Treatment in Skin Disease and Brennan's Maxillo Facial Surgery. She hosted the inaugural National Nail Education day in 2017 and has recently followed this with a successful second event.
Anita holds NHS clinics in Gloucester and Cheltenham. Her day surgery lists for skin cancer and the specialist hair and nail clinics are held at Gloucester Royal Hospital and at the Nuffield Hospital, Cheltenham. In addition to standard options, she also provides a service to address hair thinning through 'Platelet Rich Plasma' in her practice.
She lives in Cheltenham with her husband, an Orthopaedic Surgeon, and has two daughters.
Areas of interest
Skin tumours, skin cancer; Hair disorders; nail disorders; skin cancer surgery; acne; psoriasis; eczema
Medical secretaries
- Helen Moreton
- Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital Hatherley Lane CHELTENHAM GL51 6SY
- 07836 682454
- cotswoldpa22@gmail.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of skin (including cauterisation) - up to three - (5-50)
Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue - (1-5)
Primary excision of malignant lesion - Head & Neck - (1-5)
Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue - up to three, Trunk & Limbs (excluding lipoma) - (1-5)
Local flap - less than 9cm2 - (1-5)
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