Mr Gordon Buchanan

Mr Gordon Buchanan

General surgery 04031848

  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • General
  • Lower GI surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Gordon Buchanan graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital, London and undertook colorectal and specialist general surgical training in the UK.

Mr Buchanan also received specialist colorectal training at:-

*St Mark’s Hospital, Harrow
*St Thomas’ Hospital, London
*Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada.

Additionally, he undertook laparoscopic colorectal training fellowships in Colchester and Yeovil, involving predominantly colorectal cancer management.

He undertakes laparoscopic appendicectomy, laparoscopic inguinal, ventral and incisional hernia repair as well as a wide variety of colorectal and general surgical procedures.

Gordon Buchanan has expertise in a wide variety of colorectal conditions including colorectal cancer and proctology.

Mr Buchanan has expertise in THD, a less painful technique for haemorrhoids and fistula-in-ano, particularly complex anal fistula - because of this experience he sees a wide variety of patients with anal fissure and other anorectal disorders including pain, prolapse, pilonidal sinus, anal abscess and anal skin tags.

He also partakes in the multidisciplinary management of patients with Crohn’s disease, colorectal cancer, polyps and diverticular disease and is a regular member of the HCA multidisciplinary colorectal cancer team and works collaboratively with colleagues in colorectal cancer disciplines to optimise patient care and management.

Areas of interest

Colorectal cancer; laparoscopy; anal cancer; Hernia; inguinal hernia; femoral hernia; umbilical hernia; incisional hernia; laparoscopic inguinal hernia; ventral hernia; abdominal wall reconstruction; anal fistula; anal fissure; haemorrhoids; THD for haemorrhoids; rectal prolapse; Anal disease; anal pain; abdominal pain; rectal bleeding; Laparoscopic procedures ('keyhole surgery'); Colorectal surgery (lower GI)

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
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My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

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