- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Areas of interest
Muscle disorders; Peripheral nerve disorders; Neurophysiology; Myasthenia.
Medical secretaries
- Babs Howe
- Royal Free Hospital Pond Street London NW3 2QG
- 07759 266484
- 07876 560840
- 020 7317 7713
- tom.tidswell@nhs.net
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Recording and reporting on electromyography and nerve conduction studies (EMG); mononeuropathy (e.g. ulnar), Cx/lumbar radiculopathy, myopathy - (>50)
Royal Free Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Highgate Hospital (1-5) Fortius Clinic - King William Street (1-5)
Recording and reporting on electromyography and nerve conduction studies (EMG); Mononeuritis Multiplex, MND - AHC, Multiple Muscle Monitoring (e.g. Torticollis), Myaesthenia Gravis (-SFEMG) - (5-50)
Royal Free Hospital (1-5)
Ambulatory electroencephalography (EEG) (including reporting) - (1-5)