- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
- Cataract Full Pathway
I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Portsmouth Hospital .
This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.
Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.
I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Portsmouth Hospital .
This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.
Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.
About me
Mr Booth studied Medicine at the University of Southampton, qualifying in 1994. He trained in Ophthalmology in the South Thames and Wessex regions, completing specialist training in medical retinal conditions at Southampton.
He was appointed as a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth in 2004 where he undertakes cataract surgery, general and medical retinal clinics. He has developed a highly successful service offering the latest treatments for macular diseases, including Intravitreal Lucentis, Eylea and Ozurdex. His macular degeneration service was nominated for a Macular Society Excellence Award in 2013 and 2014.
Mr Booth has a undertaken a number of roles within the department including College Tutor, overseeing training of junior eye surgeons at Queen Alexandra Hospital, and Clinical Director of the Eye Department. He has been one of the leads driving the expansion of research activity in the Eye Department, acting as Principal Investigator on a number of key trials in medical retinal eye disease and recruiting an enthusiastic team of research staff.
Areas of interest
Medical retina; Cataract surgery; Age-related Macular Degeneration; Diabetic Eye disease; Retinal Vascular Occlusion
Medical secretaries
- Anne Dilnot
- Spire Portsmouth Hospital Bartons Road HAVANT PO9 5NP
- 07402 864886
- ajbooth@doctors.org.uk
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Yag laser photodisruption of posterior capsule of lens (including laser capsulotomy) - unilateral - (5-50)
Queen Alexandra Hospital (5-50) Spire Portsmouth Hospital (1-5)
Ophthalmic local anaesthetic injection administered by operator - (5-50)
Queen Alexandra Hospital (5-50) Spire Portsmouth Hospital (1-5)