- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Podiatric surgery
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Stephen is an NHS Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, who has been providing health care provision for over 25 years.
Stephen has extensive experience in his field having worked in the Al Hada military hospital Saudi Arabia; Nij Smellighe hospital in Holland and the Kaiser Permenate hospital group in San Francisco USA . Also a number of NHS hospitals within the United Kingdom, including the National Hospital for Nervous diseases London and more laterally the Great Western Hospital Swindon and the West Middlesex University hospital London .
During this time he has been exposed to a wide vareity of complex foot and ankle surgery, including lower limb sports injuries
Areas of interest
Foot & Ankle surgery; Ankle ligament repair / reconstruction; Achilles- Posterior tibialis - peroneal tendon repairs - transfers; Peroneal regrooving; Hallux valgus correction; Bunions; 1st Hallux (osteoarthitis) joint fusion; Joint replacements; Hallux rigid/limitus; Hammer Toe deformities; Forefoot / metatarsal realignment/ fracture repairs; Flat foot, Pes planus reconstruction; Haglunds calcaneal (heel) deformity; Mid foot Osteoartitis; Sports / running injuries; Ankle arthroscopy Gait and bio-mechanical analysis; Orthoses provision
Medical secretaries
- Beverley Rand
- North Downs Hospital 46 Tupwood Lane Caterham CR3 6DP
- 07845 149953
- 07845 149953
- foot-ankle-specialist@virginmedia.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Osteotomies (eg Scarf and Akin) for hallux valgus correction with or without +/- internal fixation and +/- soft tissue correction - unilateral - (1-5)