Mr Ben Yates

Mr Ben Yates

Wiltshire Foot Surgery Services

Podiatric surgery 85001293


  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Podiatric surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Ben Yates is one of the leading podiatric surgeons in the UK. He graduated as a podiatrist in 1989 passing with distinction and clinical prize. He completed his surgical fellowship in 1997 having trained in Northampton and London. He completed his masters degree in Sports injuries and management in 1999. He was a consultant podiatric surgeon at the Great Western Hospital from 2003-2024 and now works for Independent Health Group and privately at Harley Street Specialist Hospital and the Matrix Clinic in Wroughton, Swindon.
Mr Yates has performed over 14000 foot and ankle procedures. He has a particular interest in the surgical management of the diabetic foot and the surgical correction of foot deformity and foot arthritis. He offers patients a holistic approach to the management of their foot and ankle problems as part of a multidisciplinary framework.
In 2020 he received the Meritorious award from the Royal College of Podiatry for outstanding contribution to Podiatric Surgery. In 2019 he was the subject for promoting ACP leading the surgical management of the high-risk foot for Health Education England.
He has lectured at both national and international conferences and contributed to multiple peer reviewed articles. He chaired the UK national conference for Podiatric surgeons in 2011, 2014-2016. He has been the course convener and keynote speaker for postgraduate surgical programmes on forefoot surgery, fusions of the foot, flatfoot surgery, the Diabetic foot and limb salvage both in the UK and overseas. He has participated in charitable surgical programmes in India, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Areas of interest

Foot and ankle surgery with a particular interest in forefoot deformity such as bunions and hammer toes. Flat foot correction. Neuroma surgery and surgery for arthritis of the foot. Ingrowing toenails, Achilles tendon and ankle ligament problems. Sports injuries of foot and ankle.
Surgical management of the diabetic foot.
Extracorpeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)Achilles tendonopathy. Enhanced injection techniques including hyaluronic acid and PRP (platelet rich plasma).

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My outcomes
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • T5780

    Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis - (5-50)

  • W9040

    Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa - unilateral - (5-50)

  • AA629

    Excision of nail and nail bed (Zadek's) package (includes 3 follow up visits and includes local anaesthetic) - (5-50)

  • T7250

    Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for Achilles tendonitis - (5-50)

  • W3530

    Removal of percutaneous wire - (5-50)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • W0321

    Osteotomies (eg Scarf and Akin) for hallux valgus correction with or without +/- internal fixation and +/- soft tissue correction - unilateral - (5-50)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • W0860

    Metatarsophalangeal cheilectomy - unilateral, as sole procedure - (1-5)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • W0460

    Complex procedure to mid foot or hindfoot without autogenous bone graft (osteotomy/fusion +/- tendon transfers) - (1-5)

  • W1590

    Correction of retracted/dislocated metatarsophalangeal joint (including tendon transfer, division/realignment of bone and internal fixation) - (1-5)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • T6780

    Primary repair of achilles tendon - (1-5)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • W1040

    Osteotomy of short bone of foot (excluding hallux valgus and including internal fixation) - (1-5)

  • W9030

    Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)

  • W0322

    Osteotomies (eg Scarf and Akin) for hallux valgus correction with or without +/- internal fixation and +/- soft tissue correction - bilateral - (1-5)

  • W0462

    Complex procedure to mid foot or hindfoot with autogenous bone graft (osteotomy/fusion +/- tendon transfers/fixation) - (1-5)

    Harley Street Specialist Hospital (1-5)

  • S0643

    Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue - four or more, Trunk & Limbs (excluding lipoma) - (1-5)

  • Show All (25 )...
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