
Mr Xerxes Dalal

Osteopathy 30022246


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Consultant Osteopathic Physician and Neuromusculoskeletal Pain Specialist Xerxes Dalal D.O. was first attracted to a career as an osteopath when a traumatic knee injury prevented him playing any sport. As a highly competitive young man his determination to compete on the sports field led him to seek out therapies that would cure and alleviate his pain and allow the body to restore itself to normal function.

Xerxes qualified from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Osteopathic Medicine and a Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine. He has worked in private practice in Cambridge, Manchester, Harley Street and the Square Mile where he has honed his craft over the last 15 years. Having established the City Clinic of Osteopathic Medicine in 2002, Xerxes took on the greatest challenge of his career. To provide the highest standards of osteopathic healthcare to the City’s diverse, dedicated and demanding work force. Twelve years later the practice is thriving, taken on associates and continues to provide excellence in osteopathic medicine.

Accurate diagnosis combined with targeted adjustments of skeletal, muscular, neural, vascular and connective tissues is highly effective in accelerating tissue repair and bringing balance back to the body.
Passionate about healthcare and providing patients with the highest standard of osteopathic manipulative therapy for a range of neuromusculoskeletal and general health conditions, Xerxes combines spinal, peripheral joint and visceral manipulation with deep tissue neuromuscular massage to provide each patient with a unique holistic healing experience.
Dedicated to providing every patient with the best hands on primary care to stimulate and accelerate the body's innate ability to heal, repair and regenerate as well as empowering patients with the knowledge and understanding about their condition as he believes prevention is always better than cure.

Areas of interest

Low back pain
Neck pain
Headaches & Migraine
Pins & Needles, Numbness
“Slipped” or herniated/prolapsed intervertebral discs
Degenerative disc disease (Spondylosis)
Osteoarthritic (degenerative) joint conditions
Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome)
Postural stress and strains (e.g. computer hump, mouse wrist, fibrosed shoulder girdle muscles)
Costo-transverse (Rib) joint displacement
Shoulder Rotator Cuff injuries & frozen shoulder
Tennis/Golfers Elbow (Epicondylitis)
Hip/Groin pain, Psoas/Gluts imbalance
Piriformis Syndrome
Knee pain – cartilage or ligament tears/sprains
Shin splints, Anterior compartment syndrome
Ankle sprains & Achilles tendonitis, tenosynovitis
Foot pain – plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma
Neuralgias (Trigeminal neuralgia)
Temporomandibular joint – Jaw pain
Capsular, muscular, ligamentous, tendon and cartilage problems in sports injuries

Medical secretaries

My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA526

    Follow on osteopath session - (>50)

  • AA525

    Initial osteopath session - (5-50)

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