
Mrs Liza Adams

Twist and Shout Osteopathic Health Centre

Osteopathy 30019188

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Liza Adams has worked as an osteopath since 1990. She is the principal practitioner of Twist & Shout Osteopathic Health Centre. She has worked in the past as part of the NHS Acute Back Pain Service at Weymouth and Bridport Hospitals for four years in 2008. After this she was involved in the “STOP! Back pain” management research project funded by The Health Foundation. She has worked at the Charmouth Medical Practice for over fifteen years.
After graduating from The British School of Osteopathy she worked in private practice with former tutors Walter McKone D.O and Lesley Stockton D.O. As an undergraduate Liza worked with Walter McKone dealing with acute sporting injuries in American Football. Her dissertation was “Osteopathic Approach to Trauma in American Football“. Following this Liza was the osteopath for The Gators American Football Team and taught osteopathic students “in the field”.
Liza worked as a volunteer for four years at the "Freedom from Torture" (formerly Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture and Organised Violence.) Many survivors from the first Gulf war were treated for injuries sustained during torture and post traumatic stress disorder.
Contemplating a PhD about the osteopathic approach to the treatment of the consequences of torture she attended University College London where she qualified with a MSc in “Experimental Methods in Psychology” in 1994. Following the birth of her two sons she relocated with her family to Long Bredy. She worked with Mark Wilson and Tim Williams at the Lyme Medical Centre.
In the past she was the Regional Communications Co-ordinator for the West Country and has been External Examiner for the General Osteopathic Council as well as a Visitor for the Quality Assurance Agency. She continues to be an active member of the Exeter Research Hub for National Council For Osteopathic Research.
Liza’s treatment can be described as integrative, having examined structural, classical, cranial and visceral approaches.

Areas of interest

Neck, thoracic and low back pain; shoulder pain; arm pain; hip & pelvic girdle pain, mechanical problems of the lower limb and feet; sporting injuries; work posture strain/stress; some TMJ dysfunction; some forms of headache.

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA526

    Follow on osteopath session - (5-50)

  • AA525

    Initial osteopath session - (1-5)

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