Dr Zoka Milan

Dr Zoka Milan

Anaesthetics 05208052


  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network

About me

With 30 years of experience in all types of anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine, I am still enthusiastic and enjoy every part of my clinical work.

My main interest is anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery, although I have experience in cardiac, urology, kidney transplant and all other types of surgery. I am especially adept at anaesthetising very ill and challenging patients.

I have witnessed and taken an active part in anaesthesia improvement, increased safety of anaesthesia delivery, the improvement of postoperative pain management and an enhanced recovery programme.

My other endeavours include teaching on the national and international level, research, publishing, improving communication between anaesthetists worldwide, editing an anaesthetic journal and several books as well as charity work.

Areas of interest

Anaesthesia for hepato-billiary and pancreatic surgery;
Anaesthesia for major abdominal surgey;
Postoperative pain treatment;
Anaesthesia for liver transplantation

About me
My qualifications & training
Consultant's practices
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