Dr Tarun Mittal

Dr Tarun Mittal

Clinical radiology 04681236

  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Chest radiology

About me

I have been a consultant cardio-thoracic radiologist at world renowned Harefield Hospital, a tertiary centre in heart and lung diseases since 2001. I have trained in all aspects of cardiac imaging and have been instrumental in developing the cardiac CT and cardiac MRI services at this hospital. The cardiac CT service has now become one of the largest in UK attracting referrals from the region and also other parts of UK from both NHS and private referrals. I enjoy teaching and having been training doctors (both radiologists and cardiologists) in Cardiac CT since 2004.

Areas of interest

Cardiac CT
Cardiac MRI
Non-invasive Vascular imaging with ultrasound, CT, and MRI

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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