Mr Srinivas Chintapatla

Mr Srinivas Chintapatla

General surgery 04471398


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

About me

I was appointed as a consultant general and colorectal surgeon at York and Scarborough teaching Hospital since 2004 and a care group director of cancer and support services since 2019. After finishing my Higher Specialist Surgical training in Manchester for 6 years I came to York in 2004. Since then I have been practising as a laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgeon, advanced colonoscopist and Complex Abdominal Wall Hernia surgeon. I oversee quality and safety in the departments in my care group and am passionate about improving services for patients.

I also specialise in preventative medicine such as diagnosis and screening of Bowel Cancer and removal of complex large bowel polyps which can turn into cancer. I have been providing endoscopic mucosal resection services in colonoscopy for a decade. I am a nationally accredited screening colonoscopist.

I also have a specialist interest in managing hernia and have many years experience in managing complex abdominal wall hernia including inguinal hernia. I am involved in training the next generation of hernia surgeons running courses on this topic. I pursue actively research about patients’ quality of life in Abdominal wall hernia and have published on this topic . I believe that the best care comes from understanding the patients view points and sharing the decision making process.

I am interested in patient information and technology and have made a dvd for patients about to undergo Bowel cancer surgery

I have provided information in my areas of interest below and would like to get feedback .

Areas of interest

Laparoscopic procedures ('keyhole surgery'); Endoscopic procedures; Colonoscopy, Bowel cancer screening; Gastroscopy; Flexible sigmoidoscopy; Bowel polyps; Bowel cancer diagnosis; Polypectomy; Inguinal Hernia; Abdominal Wall Hernia; Gallbladder; Gallstones; Cholecystectomy; Colorectal surgery (lower GI); haemorrhoids; piles; anal fissure; anal fistula; rectal bleeding; change in bowel habit; Abdominal pain; Constipation; Diarrhoea;

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

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