- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Gynaecology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
Areas of interest
Additional surgical skills include
Operative Hysteroscopy &
Level 2 Laparoscopic surgery.
My special interest is reproductive health with focus on
Management of recurrent miscarriages &
Management of menopause
Medical secretaries
- Jill Shaw
- Spire Elland Hospital Elland Lane ELLAND HX5 9EB
- 01422 324088
- jill.shaw@spirehealthcare.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Hysteroscopy (including biopsy, dilatation, +/- cauterisation, curettage and resection of polyp(s) +/- Mirena coil insertion) - (1-5)
Spire Elland Hospital (1-5)
Endometrial biopsy or aspiration - (1-5)
Spire Elland Hospital (1-5)
Introduction of substance into skin (including hormone pellet) - (1-5)
IV sedation administered by operator - (1-5)
Spire Elland Hospital (1-5)
Biopsy of lesion of vagina - (1-5)
Spire Elland Hospital (1-5)