Mr Shwan Amin

Mr Shwan Amin

General surgery 04167147

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • General
  • Lower GI surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I was appointed to Sheffield Teaching Hospital in 2000 as a consultant surgeon with specialist interest in laparoscopic and colorec-tal surgery.
I have established Sheffield as a centre for laparoscopic (keyhole) colorectal surgery. I was the first surgeon to perform Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease in Sheffield. I am a national preceptor/trainer involved in training consultants in laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
I am the lead for the colorectal department and the Chairman of the colorectal cancer Multidiscplinary team in Sheffield. I have a spe-cial interest in the early diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer.
Trans-anal endoscopic microsurgery; I am the regional expert and the sole provider of this technique in managing early rectal cancer. This technique often spares the patient the need for a stoma (colostomy).
Robotic colorectal cancer surgery. One of a handful of UK surgeon who performs robotic minimally invasive colorectal surgery
Enhanced recovery; I currently lead the Sheffield enhance recovery programme. Adopting the principles has resulted in rapid recovery and early discharge following major abdominal operations.
Hernia surgery; I have an interest in hernia surgery, and offer lapa-roscopic (keyhole) hernia surgery for all different types of hernia. Most of the hernia repairs are done as day cases.
Inflammatory bowel disease, I work closely with gastroenterology colleagues in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. I perform sphincter saving procedures and ileoanal pouch surgery.
I have performed thousands of colonoscopies and I am trained in removing bowel polyps (precursor lesions for bowel cancer) endo-scopically.

Areas of interest

Hernias: including inguinal hernia, femoral hernia, incisional hernia; Laparoscopic hernia surgery; Colorectal surgery (lower GI); Laparoscopic procedures ('keyhole surgery'); Colorectal (bowel) cancer; Bowel disease including inflammatory (IBD); Fissures / fistulas; Haemorrhoids; Pelvic floor dysfunction; Endoscopic procedures; Colonoscopy; Gastroscopy

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals
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