Dr Syed Asad Hussain

Dr Syed Asad Hussain

Rheumatology 04151577


  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Asad Hussain was appointed as a Consultant Rheumatologist and General Physician in April 2004. After eight years of substantive NHS consultant activity, he has taken the successful step as fully independent private practitioner in the private sector with appraisal and revalidation approval.

Dr Hussain is an examiner for the RCP MRCP PACES post-graduate examinations. He has a vibrant Rheumatology and Medicine practice at many CircleHealth, London HCA hospitals both at the Shard and Canary Wharf, managing patients with complex rheumatological conditions and ranging from musculoskeletal medicine, inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, connective tissue disease, vasculitis and osteoporosis.

Dr Hussain is registered with all the insurance companies and commands IT skills to turn around medical reports efficiently. This involves state of the art medical practice software management using AI tools.

Dr Hussain is an experienced clinician within the private healthcare system, networked well with colleagues to provide a conduit for multidisciplinary management for his patients.

Areas of interest

Gout; Lupus; Inflammatory joint disorders; Osteoporosis; Musculoskeletal medicine; Arthritis; ankyslosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout, osteoarthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, polymyalgia rheumatica, vasculitis

Medical secretaries

About me
About my work
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • 20365

    Follow-up out-patient consultation - remote - (5-50)

  • 20355

    Initial out-patient consultation - remote - (1-5)

  • W9030

    Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)

    Sloane Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • W9040

    Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa - unilateral - (1-5)

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