Mr Vijay Ramani

Mr Vijay Ramani

Urology Clinics Manchester

Urology 04060367


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Benign Prostate disorders
  • General urology
  • Urological oncology


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Vijay Ramani was appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and The Christie, Manchester since 1999. His specialist interest is in prostate, bladder, renal, testis and complex pelvic and retroperitoneal cancers. He leads the Robot Surgery Users Group at The Christie and Manchester University Hospital Foundation Trust and has also been responsible for the introduction and advancement of robotic surgery at The Christie (first robot in North of England -2007) and regularly undertakes robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (robotic prostatectomy) on patients with localised adenocarcinoma prostate. He has performed in excess of 1200 Robotic Prostatectomies for cancer prostate.He has successfully seen the introduction of atleast 4 robots in cancer centres He also carries out Robotic partial nephrectomy. He is a recognised National / International perceptor in robotic surgery and has trained other specialist urological surgeons in this surgery. He also undertakes targeted biopsy of the prostate via transperineal route and mapping biopsy of prostate.

His other specialist operations including radical cystectomy and neobladder reconstruction, partial nephrectomy for small renal cancers, radical nephrectomy and complex inferior vena cava surger for large renal cancers. He also regularly sees patients for scrotal or testis lumps and undertakes surgery for testis cancer including primary orchidectomy and is one of only 2 surgeons in the North west undertaking complex retroperitoneal lymph node dissections.

He is a Lecturer of the European School of Urology. He has given many lectures both regional , nationally and internationally on Urological cancers and regularly recruits patients to trials through the specialist MDT set up. He also consults on the prostate and issues surrounding men’s health.

He sees patients with elevated (raised) PSA and performs both TRUS biopsies and Template and Targeted biopsies for patients with increased psa levels. As part of the prostate program - he also manages patients with benign prostate problems. He provides a specialist opinion for patients passing blood in their urine (both frank haematuria and dipstik haematuria) and lower urinary tract symptoms. He also sees patients with testis lump (testicular or scrotal masses) and kidney (renal) mass or lump and urinary tract infection (UTI)..

Areas of interest

Urological oncology; Diagnostic work -up and Treatment;
Prostate; Robot Assisted Laparocopic Radical Prostatectomy;RALP, Robotic Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer; Robotic Prostatectomy; Prostate Disease including BPH / Prostatism ;Benign prostate disease; raised or elevated PSA; high PSA
Renal (Kidney) cancer; Partial (including Robotic Partial) Nephrectomy; Radical Nephrectomy; Radical Nephrectomy with IVC Invasion; Robotic parttial Nephrectomy for renal cancer; open partial nephrectomy for renal cancer
Bladder Cancer; TUR-BT; Radical Cystectomy and Neobladder Reconstruction;
Testis lump / swellings; including Retroperitoneal Surgery for Testis Cancer; Scrotal lump;
General Urology including Diagnostic Urology for haematuria; Blood in urine; dipstik haematuria; frank haematurai; cystoscopy; Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms - LUTS; and Abdominal pain/Pelvic Pain; Urinary Tract Infections (UTI);
Prostate problems; BPH; LUTS; Urinary Retention; TURP;
Adrenal Tumours;

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • M4510

    Diagnostic endoscopic examination of bladder (flexible cystoscopy) including any biopsy - (5-50)

    The Christie Clinic (5-50)

  • M6192

    Robotic assisted radical prostatectomy, reconstruction of bladder neck including bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy (including cystoscopy) - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M4210

    Endoscopic resection of lesion of bladder (including cystoscopy) - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M2920

    Endoscopic insertion/removal of prosthesis into ureter (including bilateral and cystoscopy, +/- pyelography) - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M0283

    Robotic assisted nephrectomy - unilateral - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M6583

    Transperineal MRI - US fusion targeted prostate biopsy - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M4712

    Bladder instillation of pharmacologic agent (including cystoscopy) - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • M4230

    Endoscopic destruction of lesion of bladder (including cystoscopy) - (1-5)

    The Christie Clinic (1-5)

  • Show All (12 )...
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