Professor Suveer Singh

Professor Suveer Singh

General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicine 03666456

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  • Open Referral network
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Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Sleep disorders


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Professor Suveer Singh is Consultant Physician in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at the Royal Brompton and Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust Hospitals, London and Professor of Practice for Respiratory and Intensive. Care Medicine at Imperial College London.

He is an experienced and respected specialist in Respiratory and Sleep disorders. He is an academic researcher and educator, and has held various clinical leadership positions. His clinical and research interests include Cough, Breathlessness, pneumonia, Asthma, COPD, Lung fibrosis, Sleep Apnoea, Insomnia,, Lung cancer, nodules, Emphysema, bronchoscopy (EBUS), respiratory infection, post Intensive care disorders, and acute/chronic respiratory failure.

Professor Singh is lead clinician for Sleep Medicine, and Non invasive ventilation, Lead for perioperative respiratory assessment, former director of Clinical Studies for undergraduate medicine at Imperial College, College Tutor in Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine, former Secretary of the British Thoracic Society Interventional Pulmonology Special Advisory Group, NICE representative for Asthma guidelines, Director of the Bronchoscopy in Intensive Care-Acute Care (BriC-BrAC) and Faculty of the International Advanced Bronchoscopy Course (Royal Brompton Hospital).

He is an active Clinical Teacher (undergraduate and postgraduate), examiner for the Royal college of Physicians and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, and international Fellowship programmes.

He is an active clinical researcher, as a principal and co-investigator for multicentre trials of early diagnostic markers in pulmonary infection and sepsis, and bronchoscopic lung volume reduction in COPD. He supervises PhD and MD Fellows involved in academic research.

He is Lead Editor for the Oxford Textbook of Respiratory Critical Care, Oxford University Press 2023. He has published over 130 peer reviewed articles.


Areas of interest

Respiratory disorders; Cough, Breathlessness, lung cancer, lung nodules, lung fibrosis, Interstitial lung disease, Sleep apnoea, Insomnia, pulmonary infection, Interventional bronchoscopy, Asthma, Sleep Disorders / apnoea; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); Lung cancer; Intensive care follow up

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