Mr Dinos Boufardeas

Mr Dinos Boufardeas


Osteopathy 30050211


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About me

Dinos Boufardeas is the principal Osteopath and Clinic Director of Apollo Clinics | Bexley Osteopathy & Physiotherapy.

For over a decade, Dinos has worked alongside osteopaths, physiotherapists, and chiropractors. His experience, combined with his kind and empathetic nature, enables him to treat individuals from all walks of life. Dinos followed his lifelong dream and opened his practice. Initially providing Osteopathy as a solo practitioner, he is incredibly proud to see the clinic grow to offer multidisciplinary services, including Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy.

As an Osteopath, Dinos treats various areas of the body and musculoskeletal conditions. Most of his experience lies in treating individuals with back and neck pain, shoulder pain, and postural dysfunction. He also has extensive experience in treating sports injuries, including weightlifting injuries, runner's knee, and tennis elbow. As a keen golfer, he is particularly interested in the biomechanics of the golf swing. He has worked with many golfers to promote better movement during their swings.

Dinos enjoys spending time with his family, including his now 2-year-old son, which keeps him particularly busy. He also invests time in furthering his learning in his field, so he can provide the best care possible.

Areas of interest

Musculoskeletal conditions (MSK); Muscle and Tendon injuries; ligament injuries; Sports-related injuries; Biomechanics; Neck pain; Back pain; Joint pain; Sciatica: Nerve root irritation/ compression; Headaches; TMJ/ jaw problems; pre and post-operative rehabilitation; Whiplash: Disc bulge/ herniation; "slipped disc"; Osteoarthritis; Scoliosis; Hypermobility

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