Dr James Price

Dr James Price

Clinical oncology 07039879

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Price graduated from The University of Sheffield in 2009. Upon completion of specialty training in Nottingham in 2018, he moved to The Christie in Manchester to take up a fellowship in proton beam therapy. He was appointed to a PhD research fellowship studying oropharyngeal cancers (cancers of the tonsil, tongue or throat) in January 2020 and as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist in May 2020. He specialises in the treatment of head and neck cancers with advanced radiotherapy (including IMRT, VMAT and IGRT techniques) and proton beam therapy (IMPT).

Dr Price has an interest in research and acts as radiotherapy quality assurance lead for the UK phase 3 TORPEdO (IMPT vs IMRT for toxicity reduction in oropharyngeal cancer) and PROTIS (IMPT vs IMRT for the treatment of sinonasal cancer) trials. Other research interests include refining patient selection for (chemo) radiotherapy using mathematical models, and the use of advanced imaging techniques to predict treatment outcomes.

Dr Price is the clinical lead for the roll-out of electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROMs) across clinical teams at The Christie and medical lead for alcohol / smoking services for the Trust. He is a Clinical and Educational supervisor for Clinical Oncology trainees and an examiner for the Royal College of Radiologists.

Areas of interest

Complex radiation therapy, both as a primary treatment for head and neck cancer or as follow-on treatment following primary surgery. Expertise in the management of cancers of the oral cavity (including the tongue, floor of mouth, palate), oropharynx (tonsil, base of tongue, pharyngeal wall), nasopharynx, larynx, hypopharynx, salivary glands (parotid and submandibular glands), nose and paranasal sinuses.

Medical secretaries

About me
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