Smile and move Polyclinic

Smile and move Polyclinic

Physiotherapy 80014236


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

Specialises in

  • Acupuncture (MSK)
  • Back pain (MSK)
  • Chest/respiratory
  • Domiciliary
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) MSK
  • Hand therapy
  • Male or female health
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Pain management
  • Sports injuries (MSK)
  • Vestibular rehabilitation

About us

We aim to provide various health care under one roof. This includes Physiotherapy, Dental, Podiatrist, Chronic Pain service and GP Services, Gynaecology services.

The modern treatment rooms are equipped with the latest equipment, advanced techniques and materials are used.
The aim for this business is to open an innovative polyclinic that will provide excellent comprehensive diagnostic, assessment, and treatment for the individual's both Physical and Mental wellbeing with Hollistic approach.

We offer other heath sevises Like GP services who specialise in treating common health conditions. We offer a range of blood tests, Well Men and Well Womens checks. HGV screening

We also offers Ultrasound scan for all Peripheral joints.
Our Gynaecology Consultants are specialised in Menopause Care, Menstrual problems,Routine Gynaecology examinations.

Areas of interest

Sports Physiotherapy; Sports Massage;
Shock Wave Therapy; Acupuncture; Back Pain; Neck Pain; Heel Pain; Knee Pain; Elbow Pain; Tennis elbow; Golfer's elbow; Shoulder Pain; Children's Physiotherapy; ; Home Visits; TMJ Problems;Vertigo;Epley's Maneuver
Chronic Pain; Fibromyalgia;Low Back pain; Pubic pain/SPD; Rotator Cuff Injury; Sacroiliac Joint pain/SI Joint pain/dysfunction; Sciatica;Metatarsalgia; Muscle Strain/Tear;Tendinopathy; Tendonitis; RSI; Bursitis;
Podiatry- Custom Built Orthotics;Nail Surgery;Diabetic Foot Check
Gait Analysis; Steroid, Ostenil Plus and Hyaluronic acid injections.

Medical secretaries

About us
Our qualifications & training
Our private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA360

    Initial Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy Session - (1-5)

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