Dr Faisal Khan

Dr Faisal Khan

Cardiology 06162821

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Interventional cardiology


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Faisal Khan trained in Medicine at Barts and The London Hospitals with an additional first class intercalated degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine. He was awarded the Tallow Chandlers scholarship and the Drapers Prize for academic excellence. He completed the prestigious North East Thames Academic Foundation Programme and then the South London Cardiology Registrar rotation gaining the NHS innovations award during this period for service improvements. He undertook cardiovascular research with funding from the British Heart Foundation and gained coronary intervention training at St George's Hospital, King's College Hospital and Barts Heart Centre. He was selected for the highly competitive British Cardiac Society Structural Fellowship travelling to Bern, Switzerland where he trained for a year becoming expert in structural intervention including TAVI, PFO closure and percutaneous edge-to-edge repair techniques. His NHS practise is within the St George's, Epsom and St Helier Hospital group as a busy coronary and structural interventional cardiologist.

Areas of interest

TAVI; Coronary angioplasty; PFO closure; Mitral edge-to-edge repair; Mitral balloon valvuloplasty; Percutaneous paravalvar leak closure; General and Interventional Cardiology

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