Mr Adam Nelson

Mr Adam Nelson

Urology 06148153

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Benign Prostate disorders
  • General urology
  • Urological oncology

About me

I have been a Consultant Urological Surgeon since 2020 and am one of the bladder cancer subspecialist surgeons at Cambridge University Hospital.

I provide holistic, comprehensive care for all grades, stages and forms of bladder cancer including telescopic surgery, bladder washes with BCG vaccine to treat high grade disease, and surgery to remove the bladder and reconstruct the urinary tract (radical cystectomy and urinary diversion - robotic assisted and open surgical techniques). I also have considerable experience in all aspects of general urology including enlarged prostates, urinary tract infections, tight foreskins requiring circumcision, scrotal swellings and laser surgery for urinary tract stones.

I commenced higher surgical training in 2011 in the East of England region and have trained in all aspects of general urology and pelvic urological oncology in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Cambridge University Hospital and I undertook a year of subspecialist fellowship training in robotic pelvic uro-oncology (prostate and bladder cancer) in University College London Hospital. I have performed over 150 radical cystectomies, over 5,000 telescopic bladder operations including bladder tumour removal, over 200 laser operations for urinary tract stones, over 200 telescopic operations for enlarged prostates and over 200 operations for tight foreskins and scrotal swellings.

I have a strong background in cancer research with a PhD in cancer biology from University of Cambridge. I have an active portfolio in medical education and act as faculty for a number of courses. I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Areas of interest

bladder cancer; robotic radical cystectomy; scrotal swellings; phimosis; urinary infections; urinary stones; haematuria; prostate enlargement; hydrocele; epididymal cyst; cystoscopy;

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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