Dr Damien Cullington

Dr Damien Cullington

Cardiology 06052500


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • General cardiology
  • Structural/Heart failure


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Clinical Lead of Adult Congenital Heart Disease & Network Co-Director North West CHD Network
Lead Medical Examiner at Liverpool Heart and Chest
Royal College of Physicians Examiner

Damien qualified in 2002 from the University of Liverpool and undertook cardiology training in North Midlands; East Yorkshire; Leeds and Papworth.
He is a specialist in the treatment of patients with adult congenital heart disease; women with cardiac problems in pregnancy; patients with heart failure and general cardiology complaints (Chest pain; palpitations; dizziness; syncope; breathlessness)
His NHS practice spans Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital; Manchester Royal Infirmary; St Mary's Hospital, Manchester and Liverpool Women's hospital. He was awarded his postgraduate doctorate in heart failure in 2015 and worked in one of the largest heart failure units in the Europe. He is an honorary clinical lecturer at the University of Liverpool

Damien is an internationally recognised leader in the field of congenital heart disease and speaks nationally and internationally.

Other areas of specialist interest are primary prevention of cardiac disease and he is an expert witness.

He is a PACES examiner for the Royal College of Physicians, London and an Academic Advisor/Examiner/Interviewer for the University of Liverpool Medical School

Areas of interest

Congenital heart disease; Cardiac disorders in pregnancy; Heart failure; General Cardiology Conditions; Expert Witness

Medical secretaries

About me
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My private practice
Consultant's practices
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