
Mr James Myers

Chiropractic 30049963


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

I studied to become a chiropractor over 15 years ago after witnessing the incredible results a friend experienced with chiropractic for disabling migraines. I graduated with 'Master of Chiropractic' (MChiro) from Portsmouth University (2004-2008) where I was awarded the Flavio Grillo Award for Best Clinical Performance.

I am a member of the United Chiropractic Association and registered with the General Chiropractic Council.

Since university, I developed a special interest in the area of functional nutrition and as a clinic we are constantly enhancing our knowledge in this area. Since graduating I have enjoyed seeing a variety of complaints and my patients range from day-old infants through to 90-year-olds! In civilian clothing I may be found kayaking or cycling (I completed the London-Brighton cycle challenge a few years ago on a mountain bike which was a challenge in itself!), practicing football with our son, woodworking, and allotment-ing!

In the clinic, we use a variety of treatment options within our management strategies, including chiropractic-specific manipulation (an 'adjustment'), sacro occipital technique, activator technique, massage therapy, trigger point therapy, photobiomodulation therapy, nutritional advice, rehabilitative exercise, and other lifestyle advice.

Medical secretaries

Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA528

    Follow on chiropractor session - (5-50)

  • AA527

    Initial chiropractor session - (1-5)

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