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About me
Professor Sunil Bhandari
(MBChB, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), PhD, M Clin Edu, FHEA
Consultant Nephrologist at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Honorary Clinical Professor at the Hull York Medical School (HYMS).
Vice President of Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh.
Deputy Head of School of Medicine Health Education England
Graduated from the University of Edinburgh, trained in Renal and Transplant Medicine in Yorkshire (UK) and Sydney Australia
Areas of interest
General Nephrology
Chronic kidney disease
Transplant Medicine
Eelectrolyte disorders
Medical secretaries
- Kerry Bailey
- Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital Lowfield Road Anlaby Hull HU10 7AZ
- 01482 672469
- kerry.bialey@spirehealthcare.com