Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant in Respiratory and General Medicine, Imperial College NHS Trust. Based at St Marys Hospital.
Research interests
Health Improvement/models of care
Chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease
Personal interests
Awards received
British thoracic Society award for Integration of respiratory services 2013
Impact of a COPD discharge care bundle on readmissions following admission with acute exacerbation: interrupted time series analysis. Laverty A, Elkin SL et al .PLOS one 2015 feb.
Identifying the challenges and facilitators of implementing a COPD care bundle. Lennox L, Gren S, Howe C, Musgrave H, Bell D, Elkin S. BMJ open resp research.2014
Elevated QRISK2 score in patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation of COPD versus stable COPD outpatients. Pagliaroli’ E, Mohan D, Padmanaban V, Palange P, Elkin S, Polkey MI. Int J Cardiology 2015.
British thoracic society guidelines for Pulmonary rehabilitation 2013
Primary adenocarcinoma of the lung with a synchronous carcinoid tumour of the small intestine Loenthal L, Thompson M, Elkin SL. JRSM short rep. 2013
Finding the missing millions - Falzon C, Solzak M, Elkin SL et al. PCRJ 2013
Breathlessness and skeletal muscle weakness in patients undergoing lung health screening in primary care. Kelly JL, Elkin SL, Fluxman J et al . COPD 2013-06-14
The transition of adolescents with chronic respiratory illness to adult care. Shrivastava SA, Elkin SL, Bilton D. paedia resp review. 2012
Rhinovirus infection induces degradation of antimicrobial peptides and secondary bacterial infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mallia et al. AJRCCM. 2012 dec
Designing and implementing a COPD discharge care bundle. Hopkinson NS, Englebretsen C, Cooley N, Kennie K, Lim M, Woodcock T, Laverty AA, Wilson S, Elkin SL et al Thorax. 2012 Jan;67(1):90-2. Epub 2011 Aug 16. Review.
A review of discharge planning for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at high risk for readmission. Smith SM, Bell D, Hopkinson NS, Valentine J, Elkin SL. Clin med 2011
Telemonitoring and intermediate care. smith SM, Brame A, Kulinskaya E, Elkin SL Chest. 2011 Mar;139(3):731-2.
Seasonality and attendance at a pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Walker GE, Lee C, Elkin SL .Thorax 2010.Nov 23 epub
-. Can financial incentives for improvements in healthcare quality enhance identification of COPD in primary care? Falzon C, Elkin SL, Kelly JL, Lynch F, Blake I, Hopkinson NS Thorax 2010.Oct 14
Courses offered to GPs
COPD care delivery/updates
Asthma updates
Lung function/spirometry updates
Integrated care