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- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
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About me
Dr Tim Yates is a Consultant Neurologist in the Headache & Facial Pain Group at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, having been appointed in 2021. After qualifying with distinction from Cambridge in 2009, Tim trained at Addenbrooke's and then in London, with higher clinical and academic training in Neurology, and its subspecialties, at Queen Square and the Royal Free. He gained his PhD from Cambridge.
Early in training, he developed an interest in the management of refractory headache disorders, particularly chronic migraine, the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and facial pain syndromes. Tim co-authored the regional headache guidance, provides independent clinical advice to NICE Technology Appraisals of new headache treatments, supports the Headache Academy and Queen Square Neurology MSc postgraduate teaching courses, and works on health data to improve outcomes. He has contributed to scientific papers and book chapters and spoken at international headache meetings.
Areas of interest
Chronic migraine; migraine; headache; vestibular migraine; trigeminal autonomic cephalagia; facial pain; cluster headache; SUNCT/SUNA; trigeminal neuralgia; hemicrania continua; paroxysmal hemicrania; low pressure headaches; high pressure headaches; IIH; Botox; nerve blocks for headache; CGRP monoclonal antibodies; rimegepant; atogepant
Medical secretaries
- Faye Daveney
- Private Consultation Rooms 23 Queen Square London WC1N 3BG
- 07595 900535
- 07595 900535
- drtimothyyates@gmail.com