Miss Melanie Field

Miss Melanie Field

General surgery 06048883

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Miss Field qualified from Birmingham University in 2002 with a Distinction in Medicine. She undertook both her junior and higher surgical training within the hospitals of the West Midlands. She developed a keen interest in Medical Education and cemented this by gaining a master's degree in medical education.

She has undertaken a variety of education-based roles including the role of Royal College of Surgeons Tutor for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and she is currently Foundation Program Training Director for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

During higher surgical training she undertook a research MD in Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury as applied to Renal transplantation. It was whilst undertaking higher surgical training Miss Field developed her interest and chose to specialise in renal transplantation and the surgery of renal failure.

As part of this portfolio, she developed her interest in parathyroid surgery and now chairs the Parathyroid MDT meeting within the Queen Elizabeth, this has allowed significant evolution and development of the service.

Miss Field is also involved in regional teaching for parathyroid disease at all levels of training. She is a member of BAETs (British Association of Endocrine Surgery) and submits data for the national registry.

Miss Field's clinical interests include Parathyroid surgery and Renal Transplantation.

Within the field of Parathyroid Surgery Miss Field has an interest in parathyroidectomy for:

Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Normocalacemic Hyperparathyroid disease
Parathyroidectomy for MEN
Renal-derived parathyroid disease.

Areas of interest

Parathyroidectomy surgery

Medical secretaries

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Consultant's practices
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