External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
Previously :
Associate Medical Director (Interim) within NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
For Redbridge Locality (Nov 2019-Sept 2020)
For Barking and Dagenham Locality (Jan 2017 - Jan 2018)
Consultant Psychiatrist (Substantive) in General Adult Psychiatry NELFT from 2015-2020
Research interests
1. MSc Thesis on:
‘The relationship between Spirituality, personality, coping factors & vulnerability
to Depression.’ (Sept11).
A case control study
Ethical Approval from NHS Research Ethics Committee
2. A comparative observational study on Lithium & Semi-sodium Valproate (Lanarkshire Dec06).
‘The Use of Lithium & Semi-sodium Valproate in Clinical Practice-A Comparative Observational Study’: Poster: Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Annual Meeting (June07).
3. A comparative retrospective study of Atypical Antipsychotics (Lanarkshire Sept Dec05).
‘Comparing the Use and Discontinuation of Antipsychotics in Clinical
Practice: An Observational Study’- was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry- January 9,
2008 (e1-e6; pii: ej07m03095).
'What conditions do we really use anti-psychotics for? Clinicians’ choices & decisions in Lanarkshire, Scotland': Poster: Royal College of Psychiatrist's meeting (July06)
Personal interests
Spending time with Children, Travel, Nature
Awards received
UCLP (University College London Partners) ‘Innovative
Simulation Training of the year 2017’ Award
For founding ‘In-Sync’-Multi-professional Simulation based training at NELFT NHS Foundation Trust.
(Additional) Languages spoken
• ‘An Audit on Assessment, Interventions and Training Provision in the Management of Patients with Challenging Behaviour and Learning Disability’ : British Journal of Developmental Disabilities Vol. 55, Part 1, January 2009, No.108, pp. 49-60.
I was the lead author in this study.
• ‘Are we giving General Practitioners what they want from our psychiatric outpatient review letters? ': Scottish Medical Journal (Nov06): SMJ 2006 51(4): 4.
I was the second author in this study
• ‘What has to be becomes’: Poetry published in the ‘poems by doctors’ section: British Journal of Psychiatry Oct10 (197,277.doi:10.1192/bjp.197.4.277);
‘Happiness’: poetry published in the ‘poems by doctors’ section: British Journal
of Psychiatry Apr11 (198,268. doi:10.1192/bjp.198.4.268).
Courses offered to GPs
Regular Open Days/ GP CPD Events at Atrom Mindcare Clinic.
Please email: contact@atrommindcare.com for details.