Professor Fares Haddad

Professor Fares Haddad

Trauma & orthopaedic surgery 03469817


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Specialises in

  • Hip
  • Knee

About me

Professor Fares Haddad is a Hip and Knee Reconstructive Surgeon at University College Hospitals. He is Divisional Clinical Director of Surgical Specialties at UCH, and Director of the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health at University College London

He graduated from the University College London Hospitals with a First Class BSc and MB BS. His basic training in hip and knee surgery and reconstruction started in London on the St Bartholomew’s, Royal Free and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital rotations and was subsequently enhanced by fellowship training in the United States and Canada including a year in Vancouver and time in Boston, Los Angeles and Gainsville. He was the gold medallist in the FRCS (Orth) exam and has gained a large number of prizes and prestigious academic awards.

He has been an EFORT Travelling Fellow, British Hip Society Travelling Fellow and ABC Travelling Fellow in 2004. He became a Hunterian Professor in 2005.

Mr Haddad’s clinical and research endeavours have centred on hip and knee reconstruction. His interests include the expansion of knee and hip arthroscopic techniques to deal with sports injuries, uncemented hip and knee prosthetic technology, new bearing surfaces and outcomes assessment in hip, knee and revision arthroplasty and use of allografting and other transplant and stem cell techniques in hip and knee reconstruction. His work also encompasses minimally invasive hip and knee surgery and novel strategies to manage patients with knee ligament injuries. He provides medical input at elite level for a number of sports including football, athletics, rugby, boxing and martial arts.

He has presented and published widely on key aspects of hip and knee surgery and continues to lead a clinical research group with interests in knee joint preservation after injury, the genetic causation of bone disease and bone quality, prosthetic design and performance and in particular outcomes measurement after hip and knee surgery. He is editorial consultant Sports Injury Bulletin and is on the editorial board of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, The Journal of Arthroplasty, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons and Hospital Medicine. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine.

Areas of interest

Sports injuries; Hip replacement surgery; Knee surgery; Ligament reconstruction including anterior cruciate ligament

Medical secretaries

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About me
My qualifications & training
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Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • W7400

    Reconstruction of one or two ligaments not elsewhere specified - (5-50)

    Princess Grace Hospital (5-50)

  • W8500

    Multiple arthroscopic operations on knee (including meniscectomy, chondroplasty, drilling or microfracture) - unilateral - (5-50)

    Princess Grace Hospital (5-50)

  • W7420

    Autograft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction +/- meniscectomy - (5-50)

    Princess Grace Hospital (5-50)

  • W3712

    Primary total hip replacement +/- cement - (5-50)

    Princess Grace Hospital (5-50)

  • W3715

    Hip resurfacing arthroplasty - (1-5)

    Princess Grace Hospital (5-50)

  • W5800

    Conversion of a unicompartmental knee replacement to a total replacement of knee joint - (1-5)

    Princess Grace Hospital (1-5)

  • UC001

    UCC - Urgent Care Centre treatment - (1-5)

  • W9030

    Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)

  • T7972

    Exploration and repair of groin disruption (including repair of muscle, fascia and tendons) (Gilmore's groin repair) - (1-5)

    Princess Grace Hospital (1-5)

  • Show All (14 )...
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