Dr Jasmeet Soar

Dr Jasmeet Soar

Anaesthetics 03467499

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

About me

With colleagues, I deliver a high quality anaesthetic and intensive care service. I have led a number of projects to ensure patients actually receive the treatments and care they are meant to receive.

I do medicolegal work including providing expert opinions for clinical negligence claims and inquests.

My work as the Resuscitation Council (UK) Chair (Jun 2009-Jun 2012), European Resuscitation Council board member, and International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation Task Force Chair led to new guidelines in 2010, 2015, and 202, their implementation, and improved care and survival for people who suffer cardiac arrest worldwide. I was medical advisor to the British Heart Foundation 'Vinnie Jones' TV campaign to improve CPR awareness. I have helped establish national in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest audits to drive improvement in patient outcomes.

I have also written national guidelines for the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis.

I am current clinical lead for the Royal College of Anaesthetists 7th National Audit Project (NAP7) that is study perioperative cardiac arrest.

I have a major commitment to training. I am an educational supervisor, give about 20 lectures/year with excellent feedback, have developed and lead a course taken by over a million clinicians worldwide

I have launched a free interactive film for lay people (

Areas of interest

Anaesthesia for Urology and Major Complex Surgery including:
1. Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery
2. Robot assisted surgery of prostate and bladder
3. Adrenal surgery (including pheochromocytoma)
4. Cystectomy

Intensive Care Medicine
Resuscitation, cardiac arrest

My medicolegal practice consists of care of the critically-ill and injured adult, including emergency resuscitation and cardiac arrest, and complications associated with anaesthesia. This includes care in a variety of settings in and out of hospital, during anaesthesia and on the intensive care unit. Conditions include but not limited to airway, breathing, circulation, and neurological problems requiring surgery or intensive care, sepsis, major trauma, cardiac arrest, severe pneumonia, ARDS, anaphylaxis, aspiration pneumonia, complications of anaesthesia, asphyxia, hanging, and deaths in custody.

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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